


gambar aku nampak ketiak walaupun tengah pakai tudung.

When i was about to finish my job today, she gave this drawing to me. The feeling at that time was great, in fact it is still great, to have people appreciate me even though i'm just their housekeeper. She gave me a chocolate bar last week, katanya untuk eid celebration. Her name is Oditi, but Tiya is her name at home. She is really talkative. She's nine and I pick her mostly on wednesday at school. 

Before this, i did get a drawing from my previous employer's daughter. Her name is Sanika Alyaa. She's five. It was last year and i really enjoy my work there. dan dia punya adik, Sunny memang habis kiut sebab setiap kali dia bertembung dengan aku, dia akan senyum lepas tu terus buat u-turn dan pecut secepat mungkin. Aku pun tak paham sampai sekarang kenapa?haha

point di sini adalah, aku suka budak-budak ini tetapi aku memang tak reti nak react dengan kelakuan diorang. part paling best ialah bila aku punya grammar salah, tiya tolong betulkan. malu dek kerana diperbetul oleh budak darjah tiga tapi apa aku kisah. dia sangatlah adorable. 


ghost said...

sekurang-kurangnya kau tak kebosanan.

fingerkontot. said...

kau macam bosan je.

live your life.